Sunday, September 2, 2007

World Geography Assignments 9/4 - 9/7 2007

Tuesday 9/4/07 - Basic Geography Skills

Essential Question: How might two different map orientations give different impressions of the world?

Activating Strategy: Video Segment from
Discovering the World: Locating Places (20:00)Description: This program helps hone map skills. The use of colorful graphics and animation explain the uses of map grids and the compass rose. Viewers will learn how to locate any location on Earth by using longitude, latitude, coordinates, degrees, minutes, seconds, and time zones. © 2001 Discovery Education

Teaching Strategies: Students will preview the video and practice finding locations on a map using latitude and longitude. Students will pair up in cooperative groups to complete the in-class worksheet.

Summarizing Activity: 1-students will take turns locating items on overhead projector, 2-review answers from Thursday’s prep-test.

Assessment: Completion of Latitude and Longitude Worksheet


Wednesday 9/5/07 – Types of Maps

Essential Question: How many different types of maps are there?

Activating Strategy: classroom discussion on the different types of maps and how they are used.

Teaching Strategies: students will read aloud pages S8-S9 in the Skills Handbook section in the front of the textbook, and answer questions 1-3 on page S9.

Summarizing Activity: re-ask essential question and add new answers to EQ sheet.

Assessment: informal observation


Thursday 9/6/07 – Using charts, graphs, and tables

Essential Question: How many different types of charts, graphs, and tables are there?

Activating Strategy: classroom discussion on the different types of charts, graphs, and tables and how they are used.

Teaching Strategies: students will read aloud pages S10-S13 in the Skills Handbook section in the front of the textbook, and answer questions 1-3 on page S3.

Summarizing Activity: re-ask essential question and add new answers to EQ sheet.

Assessment: informal observation


Friday 9/7/07 – Quiz / Music and Culture

Essential Question: Which skills are essential for me to do well on this week’s quiz?

Activating Strategy: Quiz on basic geography skills, types of maps, and charts, graphs, and tables.

Teaching Strategy: American culture has always had room for a variety of musical styles, but many of them were borrowed from other countries. Today we are going to listen to different types of music from across the globe. Students will listen to the music and respond in journal entry format to how the music relates to them and if they like it or not. The winner of the music contest will also explain how they related to the music they chose and they will share that music with the class.

Assessment: Formal Quiz, participation observation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
