Friday, December 7, 2007

Pearl Harbor - Extended

Your assignment is to get in groups of 3-4 and write a news magazine story about Pearl Harbor as though you were living at the time. You can write a general article about the attack or one from the perspective of military or medical personnel. You could also write an article from a Japanese perspective. (finish as homework)


Use the following three-point rubric to evaluate your work during this lesson.

3 points: I wrote an informative, creative article, and were able to apply what happened at Pearl Harbor to the present day.

2 points: I wrote a competent article, and made some comparisons between what happened at Pearl Harbor and the present day.

1 point: I wrote an article with gaps and misunderstandings, and had a hard time applying what happened at Pearl Harbor to the present day.

Additional articles for further research:

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Pearl Harbor

After listening to President Roosevelt’s Pearl Harbor Day message to joint session of Congress asking for a declaration of war with Japan, take a moment to reflect on the situation and then respond to the following questions.

1. What did President Roosevelt mean when he said that December 7, 1941 would be a date that would live in infamy?

Synonyms for Infamy - abomination, atrocity, bad reputation, disapprobation, discredit, disesteem, disgrace, dishonor, disrepute, enormity, evil, ignominy, immorality, impropriety, notoriety, notoriousness, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, outrageousness, scandal, shame, stigma, villainy, and wickedness.

2. How does this speech compare to George W. Bush’s speech to the nation after 9/11?

Make your own test

This is your chance to put yourselves in my shoes, and make your own test for chapter 8, Mexico. Every student is going to come up with their own questions for the test. I will take all of the questions and pick the best 20-25 questions for the test. Hint – don’t make them too easy or too hard, or I won’t use them.

Format for the questions,

2 true or false

2 multiple choice

2 short answer

2 fill in the _______

It’s your turn to be the teacher,

Mr. Mc

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Whistle is Back

I know you guys were heartbroken when I lost my whistle a few weeks ago, but don't worry my wife and I went to Dick's Sporting goods in Charleston to get a new one. I just hope you haven't forgotten what it sounds like

Mr Mc

Monday, December 3, 2007

Notebook check Tomorrow

Items required for the notebook check.

Vocabulary for chapters 7 and 8
Climate Regions Map (USA)
Canada Map
Footsteps in Canadian History Timeline
Guided Reading Worksheets 8.1-8.2
Map of Mexico
Section 1 Notes (physical features, natural resources, and climate)

ps. there will be a map quiz later this week - more details later.

Extra Credit

Since we are studying Mexico and it is the beginning of the holiday season, I am offering extra credit to anyone willing to memorize and perform the Jose Feliciano Spanish inspired classic Feliz Navidad. You will have a chance to earn your point the last day of class before the holiday break. Here are the lyrics. Enjoy!

Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero Ano y Felicidad.

Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero Ano y Felicidad.

I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom of my heart.


Sunday, December 2, 2007

I Met Ponch

Charleston, WV

Erica Estrada was in Charleston today promoting Internet safety and protection from online predators, when he was attacked by an onslaught of WV teachers in the lobby of the Marriott. Ponch had to fight his way through a sea of senior teachers throwing nametags (among other things) for him to sign.